

Con el nombre de Euphor-E creemos que ya está todo dicho. Estas pastillas provocan un estado de euforia que te permitirán vestirte con la mejor de las sonrisas. El ingrediente responsable de este efecto tan agradable es muy popular: el Sceletium tortuosum, también conocido como Kanna.

9,50 € IVA incluído
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El efecto más considerable del Kanna es precisamente el de provocar un estado de bienestar que te permitirá una capacidad positiva de interacción social con otras personas. La combinación con la guarana,la teobromina y la sinefrina es lo que crea el subidón energético extra que estimula el Euphor-E. Puedes disfrutar de sus efectos tanto de día como de noche. Te sentirás relajado y activo. Perfecto para una fiesta íntima con tu novia.

Un paquete de Euphor-E contiene 4 cápsulas.


Una hora antes del momento deseado para su efecto, tomar 1 o 2 cápsulas con agua. No ingerir más de 2 cápsulas durante un periodo de 24 horas.


  • Guarana (150 mg)
  • Extracto de Kanna 10x (110 mg), el ingrediente activo llamado Mesembrina.
  • Teobromina (50 mg)
  • Synefrina (20 mg)
  • Estearato de Magnesio
  • Dioxido de Calcio
  • Gelatina
  • Celulosa



Euphor-E - Ficha Técnica
Tipo Cápsulas
Tipo Cápsulas
Número de cápsulas 4

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Reseñas (120)
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    Wirkt gut
    2 stk wirken gut wenn man nicht allzuviel davor isst. Macht eine gute Stimmung,wach und wir waren sehr auf Reden und tanzen aufgelegt. Fuer mich zum Fortgehen perfekt ,vergleichbar mit einer soften mdma wirkung

    S. K.

    Didn't notice any difference
    I tried twice the recommended dose but couldn't notice any effect. This is the second time I tried Kava products, never could feel the described effects so maybe I'm more tolerant.

    A. S.

    une bonne surprise
    J'ai testé une gélulle pour voir un peu l'effet et toute la journée, je me suis sentie de bonne humeur, sociable et sautant sur la moindre occasion pour rire! un sentiment de paix et de tranquilité mélangé à un dynamisme bienprésent ! Franchement , je suis convaincue, du coup j'en ai recommandé.

    A. B.

    No effect.
    The title says it all. Tried 2x and even 3x recommended dose.

    A. B.

    Ottimo prodotto, l'effetto e' salito subito

    G. N.

    Mellow sensation
    Just a mellow sensation on the body, nothing strong at all, just relaxing and uplifting in a way

    R. L.

    Déçu mais Zamnesia gère ça
    J’ai été déçu par les promesses du produit, j’ai fais un premier commentaire et Zamnesia a ensuite voulu me rembourser mon achat, ce que peut de site marchand ferait, donc merci à vous :)

    G. M.

    Euphor E
    Nice trip, exciting

    A. S.

    Nice pills. But a little weak for my taste
    To be honest I did not expect much of these pills. I always was somewhat reluctant on natural plant based drugs. However, the first one brought up my mood. Hard to say in what way, but I noticed a general more uplifted happy feeling, a little crazyness like nothing could harm me. Which means quite something for me since I relate anything to the feeling of xtc. Normally I used to take xtc. I really crave the 'oh fuck yes damn fuck yes!' feeling xtc usually provides. This cap does not come near any effect of xtc in any way. But this cap works like 'softening the sharp edges of a bad mood'. Some bad thoughts I sometimes tend to have seem t be washed away. I took 2 of them. First sitting on my couch, doing my favorite thing, which is chilling and doing nothing. Worked like I described as above. Then after one hour when the feeling started to diminish, I took a second one. After which I went cycling for 45 minutes. I felt something, but not as strong as the first one. Came home, sat down, doing nothing again and the happy feeling came back. So for me, activity and focusing (including paying attention to the traffic) seems to keep the effect down.. For anyone considering this cap, or any drug for that matter, please keep in mind that some work like a charm and others don't. It's effect is always a matter of your personal situation, and strongly depending on your mood, your physical and mental health, wether you have been eating and a lot more factors. If you like to try this, please pick it along with anything else you order and try it out for yourself.

    R. C.

    Extrem super
    Am besten in der Kombination mit den Hawaiinischen Holzrosen

    L. C.
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